User Posts: Britney M.

Do all your bras leave red marks on your skin and collect sweat? Plus, does the bra outline shows through the clothes? If yes to all questions, let's look ...

Regular multivitamins often do not have vital nutrients for kids. Besides, most multivitamins contain additional sugar, causing problems like gum cavities, ...

Did you know that stalking is a common peril in the USA and worldwide? Especially, in the USA, 1 out of every 6 women and 1 out of every 19 men are victims ...

Have you ever had a bothersome headache or migraine that prevents you from going about your everyday activities? Most of us, without a doubt, have. And if ...

A lot of people find it difficult to get a shut-eye even after a tiring day. Are you one of them? You may have been trying various remedies, but of no use. ...

In this time and age, many people are bothered about various aspects of their health, and for a good reason. One of the significant sources of health ...

These days, everyone is turning to wireless connections. Gone are the days when wired internet was the mainstay of connectivity. Currently, the average ...

Dogs are loving, protective, loyal, and have been man’s greatest companions since the beginning of time. Little wonder they have earned the title “Man’s ...

A drone may not seem like something you need until you have got one. It is useful in a lot of instances and can easily become an indispensable tool, ...

Everyone likes to listen to the audio on their mobile devices when they are up and about. Maybe they're enjoying a playlist while they walk, run or hit the ...

The Internet has become an integral part of our lifestyle. Statistics indicate that there are over 4.5 billion Internet users in the world. With many of us ...

The quest for ultra-high-definition pictures has become more exciting. I still recall the time when a digital picture was only a few kilobytes in size and ...

In the United States, teenagers between ages 13 and 18, as well as adults, have an average daily screen time of 7 hours 22 minutes in 2019. In 2020, due to ...

The world is concerned about the health of their lungs especially at a time when pulmonary diseases have become lethal. The coronavirus especially has put ...

The GX Smartwatch can boast of several market-leading smartwatch features. Also, it offers its users even more features than many other products saturating ...

When you think of heat, what comes to your mind? It’s something like a burning stove or a campfire. However, the HeatCore heater should be considered too. ...

The way we humans have come into being is one controversial phenomenon. We have multiple facial expressions and distinct body structures. You can not find ...

American teens have an average of 9 hours of screen time. This year, the world experienced an unusual increase in screen time as more Americans work from ...

The StankStix odor removal is one of the best and most cost-efficient options if you find yourself in an awfully smelling environment. Personally, it has ...

Who doesn't want to have a timeless and budget-friendly smartwatch? Also, all you need during the day is literally on your wrist. Out there on the ...

As the population of white-collar workers and “sit down and look at the screen” internet-based workers increased, that rate of neck and back pain has ...

Time ticks fast. Not long ago, selfie sticks were seen in the hands of almost everyone that followed the trends. Now, photography and video making have ...

You're fast asleep, and suddenly, you feel the urge to take a short trip to the bathroom. As you're tumbling around in the dark, you flip the lights and, ...

These days, let's face it - our lives revolve around our gadgets. Therefore, when our phone runs out of power, it's a nightmare. ChargeHubGo+ is a power ...

You are lying in your bed, the moon glows among the stars, everything is serene. Finally, it's time to get some good night's sleep. You get yourself ready, ...

Creating memories with photos and videos with friends and loved ones is the best thing ever. Going digital when it comes to preserving memories is now a ...

Choking is one of the top leading causes of unintentional injuries, leading to death. In fact, this silent reaper has been known to have more casualties ...

Not every silicone mat in the kitchen can protect your hands from sudden pain from hot dishes. How about Safe Grabs - a BPA-free mat in food-grade ...

  Using a heads up display (HUD) is the safest way to view your navigation while driving. The VIZR heads up display system by FIXD features cutting ...

Whether you're a first-time car owner or a veteran driver, we all get panic attacks when the check engine light goes on. Often, the only way to check your ...

Making your own garden from seedlings is challenging. But growing a herb garden from seed is another story. And not everyone has ample space to garden. ...

People mind their wellness now more than ever. With the increased sedentary lifestyle that most people live, there's a need to keep record of your weight ...

At times, fixing broken things by yourself is rewarding. Plus, it saves you time and resources. There are more than a handful of products that can help you ...

Most people these days complain of neck pain. One common cause is bad posture, especially when you use a computer or your mobile phone for hours on end. ...

Headaches are something thousands of people suffer through daily. Imagine going through your day, then all of a sudden you get a migraine attack. It's not ...

The more wired your life gets, the higher your risk for electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. Fortunately, the smart DOT - an innovative technopatch touted ...

Despite your best efforts in protecting your files, the worst can still happen. Think corrupted images, deleted pictures of your summer vacation, or a ...

Are you feeling grumpy lately for excruciating pain in various parts of your body? It’s not great for your kidneys, liver, and stomach if you are popping ...

Viruses are threats to computers and other devices. Reviews of FixMeStick claim that you can remove these viruses without worrying about having them come ...

Browsing All Comments By: Britney M.